Sessions invoke wholeness and connection with your Authentic Self

Healing - Resilience - Empowerment

What is a Cranial session like?

You can expect a combination of dialogue and gentle contact bodywork. Contact is based on consent and occurs with you fully and comfortably dressed. I listen for expressions of health in your system, restoring the natural flow and rhythms of your energy. 

During the session, you may:

  • notice a release of small movements, changes in body temperature or other qualities

  • feel as if you are dreaming while awake

  • enter a meditative or quiet state

  • experience memories or insights

  • relax deeply or fall asleep

Benefits of a session include:

  • feelings of cohesiveness

  • improved digestion and sleep

  • feeling more energy and resilience

  • an experience of inner calm and peace

  • a restorative state for the mind and body

How long is each session?

Sessions are usually 30 to 45 minutes for children 11 years and under; 60 to 75 minutes for teens/adults.   Your intention will be reflected in what unfolds during the session. Pacing is respectfully honored by watching and assessing the state of the whole body & mind.

The goal for everyone is to engage in the world differently by participating in this work.  For most people, this is what they’ve been looking for but had no idea it was possible with such care and ease.

How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions needed are negotiated and agreed upon depending on the intention you bring and the level of transformational healing or change you desire.

Weekly sessions can be highly beneficial as your brain and body reorganize and rewire.

After the initial series, we re-assess where you are and see if you could  move on to every other week or once every three weeks. My goal is to support you to a point where you see resolution for your primary concerns and then move on to a monthly tune-up or maintenance for optimal health. 

The experience of a session (or multiple sessions) reveal something unique to everyone based on different expressions of a lived life and the level of readiness and motivation of the mind and body. 


Conditions that respond well to these modalities:

Acute or Chronic: Impingement of Cranial/Spinal Nerves, Ear Infections, Sports Injuries (Dislocated Joint, Fractured Bones), Tinnitus, Fatigue, Headache, Migraine, TMJ Syndrome, Neck Strain, Sciatica Pain

Brain Injuries: Concussion, Mild Cognitive Impairment, Traumatic Brain Injury, Mental Fatigue or Brain Fog

Imbalances: Hormonal (Irregular Cycles, PMS, Perimenopause and Menopausal Transition), Vertigo

Pregnancy & Birth: Colic, Excessive Crying, Irritability, Sleep Difficulty, Nursing, Attachment and Bonding Challenges

Trauma & Nervous System Dysregulation: Shock & Trauma from Car Accident, Whiplash, PTSD, Depression, Loss or Grief, Anxiety, Panic Attack, Stress, Sleep Difficulty

You will resonate with my approach if you:

  • trust in your body’s inherent wisdom.

  • are interested in resolving issues at their core.

  • commit to your responsibility for taking further care outside of our sessions.

  • value the importance of finding alignment with your mind, body, emotions and spirit.

  • are willing to experience that all parts of you are connected.

Banner Image by LGC.